Kenzi Shaw knows the plot of her life down to the last line - the career she's building as an up-and-coming marketing exec, the gorgeous fiancé (Bradley) she'll marry in a fairytale wedding, the children they'll raise in her dream home. But when heart-breaking ex Shane comes back into her life, life starts going off the script . . .
Shane tries to win Kenzi over by re-enacting all the rom-com movies they used to watch together - Sleepless in Seattle, Bridget Jones's Diary, Pretty Woman and Dirty Dancing to name a few. He's just a guy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to trust him again. But has he really changed? Not only is her head in a spin over Shane, but now her job is on the line. And with her perfect sister-in-law showing up every tiny thing Kenzi does wrong, she feels like she's permanently in the corner.
Should she risk her sensible life for the chance of a Happy Ever After? One thing's certain, when Shane meets Kenzi (again), she's suddenly not so sure who her leading man is . . .
Perfect for fans of From Notting Hill with Love . . . Actually and You Had Me at Hello. Grab some popcorn, hit the sofa and enjoy this feel-good and very funny novel.
My Review:
Awwwwww what a gorgeous feel good read Love Like The Movies is. If you want a feel good book that takes you on a trip reliving lots of the best romantic films this is the book for you. I thought it was a very clever and original concept and as well as enjoying the book I took some trips down memory lane, reminiscing over watching each of the films and relating them back to what was going on for me at the time.
Kensington Shaw is the main character of the book. She works in marketing and works alongside her fiancé Bradley. They are both keen to get married and start a family. Early on we meet Ren who is Kensington's Sister in Law and nemesis. Ren is seemingly perfect and manages to highlight any imperfections in Kensington at every opportunity. I could certainly feel the tension from the outset.
So, just when you think that Kensington's life is all happily mapped out up pops Shane. Shane is an ex boyfriend who broke Kensington's heart. However, Shane now wants her back...and that's how we come as readers to be immersed in re-enacting key scenes from some of my favourite rom coms, including the legendary Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing and my favourite Love Actually.
I have to say, I really enjoyed this book. I loved the various scenes which made me feel all gooey and romantic. But I also found out some snippets of info about them that I didn't know before, so have improved my trivia knowledge too!
The book is fast paced, funny and also heartwarming. I raced through it and it definitely bought out the romantic in me. The use of the films is really clever and helped me warm to Shane. Who doesnt love and want a gorgeous romantic man to sweep them off their feet!!! There are a number of additional characters who help tell the story, and of course there are the not so nice ones who I loved to hate.
I was willing Kensington on throughout the book to choose the right man (in my opinion) and it was the perfect accompaniment for some relaxed reading in the sunshine. If the sun isn't shining when you read it the story will make you feel all warm inside.
A great debut novel and feel good read. I can imagine all the romantics amongst us who want some escapism lapping this book up over the summer.
Thank you to PanMacmillan who provided a copy of the book in return for an honest review.
Please come back to my blog on Monday 23 June when I will taking part in Victoria's blog tour and will be finding out her 5 funniest rom-com moments......I cant wait!!
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